Autism is a developmental disease that causes difficulties with social skills, compulsive habits, speech, and nonverbal cues such as hand gestures. In this blog, we shall discuss the Panchakarma treatments for speech delay.
Speech delay is a common problem in autism. Children with autism often have trouble expressing their thoughts, feelings, and needs verbally. They may repeat words or phrases over and over again. They may also have trouble initiating and maintaining conversations with others.
In Ayurveda, panchakarma therapy along with ayurvedic medicines helps to improve speech. Kids with autism experience kapha obstructions, in order to remove Kapha obstruction of vata caused by Ushna Veerya and Katu Vipaka from the autistic child’s body, Vakkdevi Rasayanam, which has vacha as its primary constituent and is also Kapha Vata hara, Swarya, and Medhya, is helpful. The ayurvedic medications' Medhya property aids in treating the psychological condition.
Vaakkdevi rasayana is an excellent ayurvedic medicine for speech delay in autism. This rasayana improves the cognitive skills of the child by improving their memory power and enhances their thinking abilities.
This rasayana has been found to be effective in cases of autism where there is a delay in speech development.
Vacha and Kusta are used to treat psychosomatic diseases and have spasmolytic and smooth muscle-relaxing properties.
These characteristics aid in lessening symptoms including repetition, difficult encounters, anxiety, and stress in speaking and mental processes in those children who have been diagnosed with autism.
Naysa karma is also included to remove the excessive kapha from the body, that will help to stimulate the primary and secondary speech area thus enhance the normal speech.
Fluent speech is produced as a result of the drug's action, which reduces jaw muscle tension and the force of air exhaled during speech.
Ayurvedic therapies are found to be effective for speech delays so if you are looking to get connected with an ayurvedic expert find the contact details given below.